Zhang Baohong (market manage door)

Zhang Baohong (market manage door)
Used machine tool equipment
Business Scope:
Enterprise idle new and old lathe
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Buy: enterprise idle new and old lathe, centerless grinding machine, hobbing machine, shearing machine, bending machine, boring machine, milling machine, hydraulic press, punch press and so on, old transformer, motor, power distribution cabinet, plating equipment, reaction vessel, inventory equipment. We pursue the prestige first, customer first, good service and reasonable price principle, for all people to provide high quality service to ensure that the interests of the parties, integrity and reliable! Welcome new and old customers to call negotiate! ...See More Information>>
Zhang Baohong (market manage door)
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  • Company Name:Zhang Baohong (market manage door)
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112